Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The fear of failure

Today I had an I.E.P (individual education plan) for one of my students. After much discussion with specialists and teachers the team decided that this student should be given a chance in a general education classroom.  We were discussing how this students is developing habits of an under achiever and was not performing to his true potential.

 As soon as we had completed most of the IEP we wanted to share the good news with the student. Once he was in the meeting room we began to explain how smart he is and how we believe he can handle being placed outside of ESE (exceptional student education). We kept on singing the praises of this student and building him up to what was to come when he switched out in January.

Well as we were talking someones eyes were getting a little watery with nerves. He kept on putting his head down and wiping his eyes with his sleeve. I am not sure if it was hearing the overwhelming support, talking openly about his disability or the fear of the unknown when he switches into gen. ed., but something hit a nerve.

I am absolutely positive that this student will flourish in general education. He is so very bright and has every skill he needs to be successful; he just needs to spread his wings and jump into the unknown!

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