Sunday, March 13, 2011

Science Vs. Language Arts

When I graduated from USF I had my heart set on teaching an ESE science class. I searched high and low for a school looking for an ESE science teacher. I went on several interviews for an ESE position, but only one fit the science category; the others were for math, reading, resource room and behavior. Can you guess what job I was hired for....SCIENCE! I love science//don't get me wrong I love L.A too, but science is amazing\\

Confession: I have to dig up motivation to teach students the proper way to use a semi-colon, but was overwhelmed with excitement when my class was discussing the roles our colon plays in our body//did you know that your colon is 5 feet cool is that\\ DNA, cells, mitosis, bacteria, kingdoms, experiments, atoms, mitochondria, elements and oh so much more...SCIENCE ROCKS

                            Language Arts                                                                                                             When I was asked to teach language arts last year, to bring up test scores, I agreed and hoped my love for science would transfer over to L.A. Well some of my love transferred over, but the majority has stayed loyal to science. I have found teaching writing to be fun/challenging. Teaching L.A is not all that of speech, literary elements, vocabulary, the writing process and grammar...I could be teaching math //bad idea\\. Although at times L.A class does seem to be a front for a reading class with all the stories we are constantly reading.

Upside is that some of our language arts stories cover science related I guess I am winning there

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