Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ms. Stewart and her glitter

Well the mom discovered a Christmas ornament craft via pinterest.

The craft involves
 fine glitter
Pledge floor care wax with future shine
Clear ornaments
We used Martha Stewart's glitter because she seems to be the queen of glitter land
The pledge floor care was located at our local Wal-Mart...there are three different kinds so make sure you have the right one.
First take off the top of the ornament off
Pour the pledge into the orb and swirl around making sure you do not create any bubbles.
Now, just so you know the first two I made resulted in a massive mess as I squirted the pledge everywhere. I ended up having to clean the ornament and my hands to rid them of the stickiness.
Clean the orb opening with a q-tip...I of course forgot this step and nothing bad happened...yet
Pour, swirl and then dump the glitter out
And here you go a nice glittery ornament to hang on the tree
or a bird feeder


  1. Why Pledge? Looks like a cool project. I once did something similar using paint and shaking the ornaments, but the kids shook them so much that the paint colors mixed up and all the ornaments were brown or grey!

  2. The pledge is clear and sticky making the glitter adhere to the ornament. You also pour the pledge out of the ornament before you put the glitter in the orb. Let the glitter dry inside for a while or else it may flake off…I dropped one of the ornaments which made the glitter come off a little.


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