Monday, June 25, 2012

Fruit in a cup

In an attempt not to blow away and stay dry from tropical storm Debbie there have been several projects in the making; including one that can be eaten!
 The eaten treat was of course discovered through Pinterest
I thought these cupcake fruit pizzas were too cute and simple to make
Pillsbury pre-made sugar cookie dough you find in the refrigerator section
16 oz. of cool whip
8 oz. of cream cheese
various fruit
Roll the dough in to mini balls and press a tbs into the dough to make a cup
Allow the cups to cool and pop out the cookie cups.
While the cookies are baking mix the cool whip and cream cheese together until it is smooth.
 To reduce the amount of filing into the cup I put fruit in the bottom and covered them with the cool whip & cream cheese concoction
Add some fruit to the top and you are done!

Here is a sneak peak of a classroom project


  1. Now I'm hungry!!!! We are waiting out the storm too but pretty far south of it...just tons of rain and wind. Love your letter H. It's awesome!!! Thanks for linking up:)

    1. They were yummy for sure! That's all we go too...tons of rain and wind could of been worse!

  2. ooooo those look yummy!!! Its been gloomy today, but thankfully the rain stopped. [I'm in Orlando.]

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

    1. We had a couple of days of intense wind and low clouds! Thanks for the comment!

  3. Replies
    1. Yum for sure...they did not last long! The H project is almost done need to find a stick.

  4. Yum! Thanks for sharing. I can make these the next time I visit the farmers market and have fresh fruit.

    Little Treasures

    1. These were very yummy and easy to make! Great use of fruit!


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