Saturday, August 4, 2012

An Open House

The drill today was to smile and wave
{as well as answer about 100 questions}
Nothing too challenging occurred during open house, but some sweet moments did:

Parents of ESE students saying that my school was recommended for their child to attend due to how we handle ESE. Apparently our good reputation is getting around town!

A proud student showing her parents her interactive notebook that was on display

Old students of mine dropping by to say hello as they venture on to high school this year

A student reflecting on how they are going to make this year better than last

Parents admiring the room and commenting on how nicely it looks

A student smiling with excitement as they discover we will be writing more poetry this year

A parent noticing that their child finally began to smile when they were in my room

I need to remember these moments throughout the year when things are not looking so sweet


  1. This post made me smile. Thanks for sharing.

  2. love this, it is so the little things that make our jobs worth while every day!


Thank you for stopping by! Your sweet comments are appreciated greatly!