Friday, September 7, 2012

H54F: The one with the before and after

Hello friends, Friday is here again! Yay!
This week had its ups and downs for sure. Thankfully, more ups than downs.
Chop, Chop, Chop
I am a good 8 pounds lighter since chopping my hair off. I love the cut, but to be completely honest my hairdresser could of given me a mow hawk and I would of been over the moon with it! The greatest thing about getting a hair cut is that my hairdresser and I talked about Honey Boo Boo Child the whole time!
Well hello there
My mom and I walked another beautiful FL bridge. We decided to have some fun and say hello to everyone we passed. Unfortunately, people are really in their element when they walk a bridge so saying hello back was asking too much of them.
 Two Downers
By the end of today I needed a little pick me up; which came in the form of frozen yogurt. Lets just say at the beginning of my day one of my lovely 8th graders could not attend a parent conference because he was throwing a fit in his mom's car (I thought temper tantrums stopped when they were no longer toddlers). Then at the end of the day a lovely 7th grader said I was pissing him translation I was pushing him to do his best.
 Stress relief at its finest
Bridge walking has truly been a blessing since school began. The view, breeze and exercise is simply wonderful.
Pretty little things
De stressing through Target has its perks. Stumbled upon this little jem covered in gold polka dots. Its safe to say it found its way home with me.


  1. Sorry your week was a little rough! Hope you have a great, relaxing weekend!

  2. last week I had one of my 6th graders call home after school, and wow, I thought temper tantrums were done too! He started crying, screaming, and even started pulling his shirt over his was an experience

    frozen yogurt does save the day sometimes


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