Monday, February 11, 2013

Interactive Organization

Let's face it students miss school therefore causing them to play catch up when they return. I am the type of teacher that will not hunt you down and give you the work you missed. Instead I have created a mini catch up corner to those that were absent. This area consists of two binders, metal file folder holder and a supply basket.
The binders hold a copy of every page of my interactive notebook. I did this mainly so my own notebook would not fall apart. Both binders contain the same information...just in case more than one student needs them.
I bought this metal file at target. Each tab is labeled with the page number the notes belong on or the title of those notes. Whenever a student did not get a copy of notes I just direct them to the metal bin and tell them what page or title the notes is called.   
 On the outside of the file folder contains instructions of how to complete the notes or a picture of what the notes should look like when they are finished.
I believe in making students responsible in the classroom.  After their bellwork a student will pass out everyones notebook while another student passes out supply boxes. By giving them the tools to keep on track with their notebooks the school year has run smoother and they take pride in the work they have accomplished.


  1. How much do you spend in keeping the corner updated? I struggle with keeping up with the absent work...of course I always have extra copies of everything in a file system similar to yours but so much is lost if it isn't accompanied by some kind of explanation. I have been typing up a brief summary of what to do each day but even that takes more time than I would like each day.

  2. The metal cabinet is updated daily. When copies of notes are made I create a file folder with the name of the notes in the tab. This is how students notes are stored until I use them and then afterwards they remain there for a quarter and then the entire cabinet is dumped out. The binder is updated once every two weeks unless there is an urgent need updated the pages. When the copies are put in the binder I usually jot some notes down for students regarding how to complete the lesson/activity. You should also know that I have a teacher aide who makes copies of all the notes and notebook. I hope this helps! Thanks for your comment!


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