Monday, February 25, 2013

Let the writing begin

I am not one to overly panic, but if someone handed me a brown paper bag this morning I am pretty sure I would of used it...Not that I would necessarily know what to do with it...I defiantly had the walls are caving in on me and I need to get out of my room moment. Thankfully there are some wonderful teachers around me that will instantly put me at ease just by talking to them.

The reason for my semi-melt down is that the FCAT writing test is tomorrow for my 8th graders. I feel 98.5% positive that they are as prepared as they can be and honestly there is not much I or they could do to improve their writing. Their ready...I am ready now I just need tomorrow to go by as smoothly as possible.

I continued the tradition of having my 7th and 6th graders write notes of encouragement to the 8th graders. I love this lesson of kindness and lifting people up through writing...I look forward to it every year!

1 comment:

  1. Megan, our students will be fine. Then, we will be celebrating their accomplishments. See you tomorrow super teacher, Maday


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