Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tree of life story

The last couple weeks of school are always "fun"
I typically give my students a project to complete
I tell them that it is 75% of their grade and will automatically fail them if their work is not up to my standards.
This last statement is entirely false...well half of it is.
The assignment will not fail them, but I do desire their work to be pleasing.
I came across the tree project through none other
The objective of this project is for students to tell their life's story through the use of the rings inside of a tree. Each ring represents a year the student has lived.
Prior to them actually drawing their own tree I had them fill out a chart with information that they would eventually input into their tree. The chart had three sections: year, age and life event. They were required to figure out how many rings their tree would have depending on how old they were. For example if they were fourteen their tree would have fourteen rings. Therefore they had to account for fourteen different life events. The center ring contained where they were born. The earlier years of their life were sometimes difficult for them to remember, so some exaggerations were appropriate. This could of also been sent home to parents to help them fill out what happened early on in their lives since they could not remember.
Next, came the fun part. Students began to draw out each ring of their tree. They refered back to their chart to write each life event in every ring.
Lastly, they cut out their tree and colored it. I some how failed to take a picture of a completed tree, but I can tell you they were all very impressive and unique just like each one of them!



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