Monday, August 17, 2015

Teacher summers

If I said it once I've said it twice. I am not a fan of summer time. I feel lost. Adjusting to this down time is foreign. From August to May my life is non-stop and then summer hits and everything halts. I forced myself to actually rest this summer. Truly enjoy resting. I know this sounds odd, but I have never been a fan of assigned vacation time. Well, the time has come to rejoin the "adult" world and I could not be happier. So long teacher summer. I will see you again soon. 


  1. Hi Megan,

    This is Mary from DialMyCalls. I wanted to followup on my last email.
    We, at DialMyCalls, love your site and were wondering if you offer any kind of advertising options. Possibly sponsored posts or banner ads.
    Thousands of teachers are already using our DialMyCalls service. We think DialMyCalls would be the perfect match with your audience. We could even give away our service for free if you wanted to
    run some kind of promotion or giveaway.

    Either way we are up for anything you have available, please let me know.

    I look forward to hearing back from you,

  2. This is really informative blog. Keep posting. Looking forward to next from you.

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  4. عملية تكميم المعدة بالمنظار فى مصر في هذا الإجراء ، مما يعني إجراء سلسلة من الشقوق الصغيرة في منطقة البطن ثم إدخال سلسلة من الأدوات الجراحية لإجراء الجراحة. يساعد هذا الأسلوب طفيف التوغل في تقليل التندب ووقت الشفاء والألم.


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