Thursday, July 11, 2013


As I mentioned before my creative juices are not running at full capacity
//I think something is broken\\
Here is my dilemma:
I bought these letters that spell out hopes I would display them in my classroom. I have had them for six days and they still remain in their original form....blank! As of right now I am 95% sure I am going to paint them with chalk board paint unless a better idea comes to mind. Perhaps hang a piece of chalk off one of the letters??
Then comes this fabric that I spotted at Jo-anns today. Its practically perfect...burlap, metallic and polka dots. I stared at them, went back and looked at them multiple times, took a picture and NOTHING is coming to mind as of what to create with this fabric....the only thing I thought of was to frame it...not creative at all!

Summer is winding down...various stores are threatening to put out their school supplies and I have made a total of four creative projects...two of which are half way complete


  1. That would be super cute if you painted the letters with chalkboard paint!! Maybe you could even wrap some colorful baker's twine or ribbon around the letters or tie a bow on one of them or something! And that burlap is absolutely amazing!! I don't know what I would do with it besides frame it (or maybe make a banner with it) but it is absolutely amazing and I have to have it!! I haven't made nearly as many crafty things this summer as I did last summer, but my creative juices are thankfully starting to come back! Can't wait to see what you do with the letters!

    Lessons with Laughter

    1. Thanks Molly for the baker's twine idea I found some at Hobby Lobby that I am going to use! I think I am going to cover a bulletin board with the I have to decide silver or gold?

  2. The fabric reminds me of something to do with the Solar System....maybe a writing prompt using each letter that initiates a thought, then the fabric...oh something to do with reaching for the sky...out of this world.....fill in the space of your mind.....


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