Monday, July 8, 2013

Well Hello there

I must admit I was worried for a while becuase it seemed like my creativity had vanished. Nothing was inspiring me and no amount of pinterest browsing was helping...I was concerned! Until last week when I came upon this darling hello sign and all of a sudden my creativity had returned...unfortunetly it was 9:30 at night and no craft stores were open.

This DIY required the use of super glue. Given the fact that I am a tad bit messy I managed to cover my fingers with the lovely liquid. I made my mom one of these signs for her classroom and I switched from super glue to a low temp glue gun....much better!!

I plan on making a goodbye sign as well...both signs will hang on either side of my classroom door.
I found the fabric (its performance fabric) at Jo-Anns and both Michaels and Jo-Anns had the wire needed for this project.


  1. Super cute!!! Don't you just hate when inspiration strikes you at a time when the craft stores aren't open?! :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  2. Thanks for the heads up on where to get the supplies! It turned out really cute and I cant wait to see the goodbye on as well.
    Rock Stars At Work

  3. Very nice. At first it looks like a glowing neon sign, si I had to do a double take? How long did this take?

    Last time I used super glue I stuck my fingers together...that stuff is nasty

    Digital: Divide & Conquer


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