Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oh spelling words

Today students took one of their many spelling tests.
There have been words in the past that consist of amusing mini words within a word.

There were two mini amusing words in this weeks vocabulary words:

1. Associate
Just look at the first three imagine having middle schoolers spell that word
Student: "Miss what are the first three letters"
Me: "you are sitting on it"

2. Quantity
Student: "what are the last two syllables in that word"
Me (without thinking, says the last two syllables out loud): "look of disgust toward that student"


  1. hahaha I am literally laughing out loud. My 6th graders haven't gotten that fresh with me yet, but I can imagine them doing that in the future. Too funny!

  2. Haha I can soooooooo see my kids having the exact same reaction!!!! The joy of teaching middle school!

    Also, just wanted to stop by and share my new GIVEAWAY with you :)
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    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure


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