Friday, August 31, 2012

H54F: the one with all the hair

Hello all, linking up again with Lauren at From My Grey Desk. This week was pretty uneventful. Isaac came and left rain as well as gave us a day off from school!

My hair is coming close to the cut off date, which is Saturday!
Oh braids!
I have decided to master all braids I have come across. This week was the reverse braid...pretty simplistic!
Oh the dramatics!
I let my students know that I was cutting my hair and they must of translated my words into I was cutting my arm off. They do not approve of this change for sure!
 Oh  Repunzell!
The length of my hair is a tad bit ridiculous!
Oh Sunsets!
A relaxing way to end any day; a walk over the bridge at sunset.
Oh Isaac!
Isaac did provide some nice weather for walking over the bridge and pretty rainbows!


  1. love your long hair! so pretty

    Happy Friday! Stop by and say hello :)

  2. What a beautiful rainbow! I can't wait to find the book and download your printables. I'd also like to invite you to my new linky party called "Fun Friday." It is all about the fun things we do in our classrooms. I'd love for you to come by and link up (even if it is not on Friday).

    Teaching Fourth


Thank you for stopping by! Your sweet comments are appreciated greatly!