Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Out of the ordinary

I have been on summer break for a little over a week and I am ready to go back. I am currently back at my parents house, for the summer, which meant I had to drag all of my stuff up north and then in the fall me and all of my stuff will head back south. As of right now I am streamlining everything that I own...if I have not worn/thought/looked/used/talked about an item in 6 months than away it must go!

I am finding it a little odd not being in school. This is really my first summer that I have not had a steady job or classes that I am taking. I will be working on school stuff for the fall, but I have 50 odd plus days til school starts back up sooo what to do until then???

On a side note my hair is being chopped off tomorrow :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer Project

Well the first summer project has presented itself...there are others, but this is more exciting than renters insurance. Sooo I am doing a before and after of a "tall boy" dresser (aparently that is what they are called). Supplies: knobs and paint (color: gray, black and perhaps a grey blueish color)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Round One Done

I have successfully completed my first year of teaching! All in all my fist year was very enjoyable. I love the field I am in, ESE, my students may be a bit more challenging, but the rewards are worth the challenge!!

These last few days have been filled with hugs, laughter and remembrance of the fun and learning that has taken place these last couple of months.

I do have to say that my students test scores on their science final were higher if not equal to the schools and district scores. My students have worked hard and they deserve a huge pat on the back!

I am very proud of what they have accomplished and know that if they work hard and stay positive they can achieve anything they put their minds to.

So here is to a wonderful year and an even better year come this August!

Friday, June 11, 2010

A post is a post unless of course...

its just rambilings...sorry...the weekend is among us! Today does not feel like Friday...even though I am in need of a break!

This was a half day of school and there are only two more left!! To make use of the half day I put in some grades and cleaned up my room. My room looks so blan and white.

I picked up a summer read yesterday...When Hitler stole pink rabbit by Judith Kerr. I enjoy reading WWII books. This time in history is my favorite by far.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Book Love

I have some what of an obsession with antique books. Where my parents live are two goodwill bookstores, which is an excellent place to pick up some lovely books. I usually stack them or lay them on their side and place odds and ends on top....they are a good way to add characterer to a room. I have also made frames out of books as well. A while ago I found a book with the word "SISTERS" on it which I transformed into a frame and gifted it to my sister.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Do I have to spell it out?

Lets get one thing out of the way....I am a horrible speller! Ex. In 5th grade the word special was on my spelling list for several months...I know sad!

There are two spellers left and the word is: ochidore...I can barely say the word let alone spell it!

I love the little boy he captures how I feel about spelling! I am enamored by how these little kids can spell such challenging words...it is truly amazing! The last word...Stromuhr...are you kidding me?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thread this

Saw this in a blog today and thought how colorful, cute and cheap!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


1. Listen to your words...
Part of staying positive is catching yourself when you're being negative. Thumpers's mothers had it right when she said "if you can not say something nice, than do not say it at all."

This takes us to gossip, which is always makes a situation worse. Gossip can take a simple incidence and drag all the way up to a catastrophic event. If you would not say it to the person you are talking about, than you should probably keep it to yourself!

2. Protect your mind...
We are constantly being invade with images and words that could affect our outlook on life and certain situations. Be wise on the choices you make when it comes to TV shows, music, magazines, books, websites and so on.

Even if you do not repeat the negative things you hear or see, they can impact your mood, energy and attitude.

3. Find ways to bring positive into your life...
It's one thing to avoid negative people and media in your life, but now they need to replace with positivity! Surround yourself with people and items your enjoy and love.

4. When you can, make an effort to be extra nice or patient with someone...
We all enjoy when we are given patience or when someone is nice when they do not have to be. When this occurs we are more likely to do the same to others around us. Even when you encounter a rude nasty person try to kill them with kindness and perhaps they will eventually return the favor.

As I tell my students all you have to do is be nice, polite and have a sense of humor and you will do fine!