Monday, July 9, 2012

Glitter smitter

Fourth of July was full of some extra sparkle with the help of some glitter.
I have been seeing this hall pass on Pinterest floating around and of course I decided to make one of my own. I am not too fond of writing students passes and this seemed like a simple solution. Pin a clothes pin on their collar and they are free to leave.
permanent maker
clothes pin
I debated on the design and how to handle the letters
{paint, don't paint, dots, swirls, lines}
After a week I decided on zig-zags and letters I found at Michael's
With the left over clothes pins I decided to cover them with glitter and put magnets on the back of them for use on the white board.
 I am not the biggest fan of glitter due to the fact that once you touch glitter it will stay with you. I learned a tip on how to keep the glitter off you hands. Once the glitter is dry cover the glittery surface with decoupage. The decoupage creates a seal on the glitter.


  1. You sign turned out great! I love the rainbow glittery clothespins!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! They will certainly add some extra sparkle!

  2. i just love those glitter clothespins. They're fabulous! I love the colors you used for your sign, too!

  3. Love your hall pass!! So sparkly!!! I loved mine last year. Your kids will go nuts over it:) I want your clothes pins!!! So pretty!!!!! Thanks for linking up;)))

    4th Grade Frolics

    1. Thanks Tara! The clothes pins were really easy to make!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Mrs. E! I was pleased how they turned out too!

  5. Love your hall pass! I made mine this week too! Would love for you to stop by my blog and check it out!

    Success in Second Grade

    1. Thanks! I think the hall pass sign will be a nice time saver!

  6. Thanks for the glitter tip! I am not a big fan of glitter! The hall pass is such a great idea. I am your newest follower. I would love to have you come by and visit!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! The decoupage tip makes me like glitter a little bit more. I will defiantly stop by for sure!

  7. This is great. Thanks for the tip about the glitter.


  8. OMG, I just painted a bunch of these w/ colored nail polish. I use the to close bags of food and chip. lol

  9. I am not a teacher but I love glitter! These would work great on a fridge to hold notes and slips as well as keeping track of hall passes!
    Thank you for the great idea and thanks for being a teacher who cares! :)

  10. Love the use of magnets on the glitter pegs. Have been looking for similar magnets here in Spain for ages. Could you possibly let me know where you purchased them? I would be eternally grateful for the information!!!!!!!

    1. The magnets were just on a roll similar to scotch tape. You might look at an office supply store.

  11. Very cute idea. I'm going to try it. I used a lanyard last year. I thought it would be great then the boys won't pee on it, it can't get dropped in the toilet. Well, my principal absolutely HATED them. She would always send my kids back to class with a scolding. I'll try something new this year. Maybe a little less dramatic will do the trick.

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