Sunday, July 29, 2012

Instagram ribbon banner

First off I love this project for many reasons:
1. the pictures capturing memories from last year
2. the life that it will add to the cement block walls
3. the colors
4. the movement that happens when the picture twirl and ribbons sway
5. It took little time to assemble
I discovered you can print your instagram pictures via Printstagram
{warning: expect to wait 4 weeks for the pictures to be delivered}
On a positive note the prices are reasonable. I also purchased a mini book of all the photos.
I picked the same ribbons that matches the banners I created last year. Speaking of the motivational banners...they had a little plastic surgery on Friday. Last year I did not have the time or patience to back the banners with fabric. Therefore exposing what I did not finish. I put off covering the back with fabric until summer. Thankfully, I had enough fabric left over to cover the backs. They look so much better now that they are 100% complete.
Both the banners and ribbon tassels will be going up in the classroom tomorrow.
{Pictures soon to follow}

Find me on instagram
@ helloitsmeg


  1. Oh my goodness! I love your instagram banner! I pinned it- and love it so much! It's on my craft to do list!

    The Gypsy Teacher

  2. You are so creative!! I love both of these projects and am your newest follower:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. I love the instagram project - that is soooooo original!

  4. You are so creative! Wow!

    I'd love if you checked out my blog at T is for Teaching :)

  5. I love things that are easy to put together! What a great banner!

  6. These are incredible!! I don't know what else to say except the same as everyone--so creative!!!

  7. WOW! This is the first I've seen of this! LOVE!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Ramblings of a Deaf Ed Teacher's Mind...

  8. Can you give the instructions for the instagram banner, please? Thank you!!!

  9. I love the idea of the pictures on ribbons! It looks great! I nominated you for an award :-) Stop by and check it out.


  10. Nice job! This is adorable! It should be cool to create a blank ribbon banner at the beginning of the year and gradually add pictures to it throughout the year of the class, or ask them to add pictures to the banner that they take during class. hm...brainstorming... :)


Thank you for stopping by! Your sweet comments are appreciated greatly!