Saturday, November 26, 2011

Writing Hall of Fame

 I created this frame over summer break and for the life of me could not find a way to fit it into my classroom. I am the type of person that if I do not have 100% of the details worked out in my head than I will not carry the plans out. So this frame sat in my closet until a couple of weeks ago when the light bulb turned on.
I came up with the idea to hang this frame as well as the other two with ribbon from the ceiling. The frames are our own mini art gallery in the classroom.
 //I am probably breaking 92 fire codes\\
I wish I had taken a picture when each class walked in and saw the new addition to the wall. They all gathered around and pointed as they viewed the pictures of last years 8th graders and the other three writing related photos. Some of them asked why they were not on the Writing Hall of Fame while others declared that they will one day be featured on the wall.
The goal of the Writing Hall of Fame is to post each years 8th graders after they take the FL Writes. Since last years 8th Graders did so wonderful on the FL writes I some how remembered to snap a photo of them before they left for high school last year. When this years 8th graders saw the photos and heard that they could make it on the wall; it seemed to give them an extra boost to improve their writing.
//which I have already told my 8th graders that they WILL be scoring a 4\\
I will also be posting the best vocabulary essay from each grade (6th, 7th and 8th) every two weeks; under the Writing Hall of Fame.
As of now the frames hang gracefully on the wall as a reminder to students that they one day will be featured on the Writing Hall of Fame if they work hard enough.


  1. ok - so I've realized something while browsing back through your blog - all the comments I've posted when viewing your blog through bloglovin haven't been showing up! even though they said that they were posted!!! I haven't had this issue before so I'll have to do some investigating. Anyways, my original comment on this post was something along the lines of me loving it - what a great way to motivate students. and sense that original comment is somewhere lost in cyber space, I've given you the overall jest of the comment, and a whole lot of other information :)

  2. Creating frames during summer breaks?! Wow, that is awesome. I mean good for you and the frame looks really nice. I cannot say that it was ever a dream of mine to hang on the writing hall of fame. is the website I would want to recommend in case anyone is in need of a review. You are welcome.


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