Friday, August 17, 2012

H54F: Hodge Podge

Happy Friday everyone! I have sucessfully made it through the first week of far so good. Getting into the swing of school takes some time. Squezzing in some time for fun and relaxation is key in order to do my best in the classroom. Here is my hodge podge of pictures from this week.

 Bridge Walks
A nice way to end a busy the view is pretty nice with the sun setting.
 Tourist Stop
Living in the sunshine state is nice, but there is very little time to enjoy what everyone else comes to this state for. A little visit to an orange store with creamy orange sickle ice cream was an absolute delight!
 Donors Choose
A class set of the book Flipped was delivered this week thanks to the kind donors to my project. We started reading this book yesterday.
 Making the best of it
Taking full advantage of having my long hair before it gets hacked off. A fish tale was a must this week.
Who knew
I had no idea that left handers had their own day! I am not exactly sure why we have a day to ourselves, but its nice.


  1. I love your braid, don't whack it off! I think my daughter might actually be a lefty. It's still too early to tell but I think she might! Have a great Friday :)

  2. LOVE your fish tail! and that ice cream cone looks delicious!!!

  3. that orange ice cream makes me drool.. i love half and half bars with the cream in the middle of the orange Popsicle!!

    Found you through H54F link up!

    xo, Bev

  4. That ice cream cone is about to make me get in my car and go to the nearest and open ice cream store..... YUMMMMMYY! Found you on Lauren's H54F link up!

    Katie from

  5. Yay for the first week of school! Are you doing all 3 grades? I'm a teacher too....and we started Tuesday. I'm exhausted!

    Found you via High Five for Friday, I'm your newest follower and can't wait to read more!



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